You Can't Count Us Out

Hey, you can’t count us out
We’ve been running up against the crowd
Yeah, we are the dark horses
We’re singing… Wait! It’s not over now
We’ve been down but we’ve never been out
Yeah, we are the dark horses
- Switchfoot, Dark Horses

God revealed something to me today that blew my mind as I had this song cranked in the mountains. We’re playing for the winning team. What’s more, we’re playing for the Coach that controls the opposition’s playbook.

I knew this in my head, but God’s reminder just blew my mind. Everything bad that the enemy has ever done to you has been approved and allowed by God. That’s not the surprising part. What’s mind blowing is that God approves it, in advance, knowing … KNOWING … it can make us stronger. KNOWING we can make it through. KNOWING that it won’t be enough to knock us out.

The next time something bad happens in your life, when you’re down for the count, think of that. YOU HAVE THE STRENGTH (through God) to handle it.

God isn’t going to let anything happen to you that takes you out of the game. You’re playing for the winning team. Don’t let the enemy deceive you otherwise. The only way you’re getting out of the game is if you let the enemy convince you to take yourself out. Perhaps this is why Paul was so adamant about persevering and running the race to completion, fleeing from sin. The things that happen to you may take you down for the count, but they’ll never knock you out. You have to surrender to be out.

This is going to totally change how I approach life. Nothing bad that happens to me can knock me out. I want to be the Dark Horse. The unlikely one that comes out of nowhere after one set back after another, only to come out stronger, only to come out and impact more people, only to come out and show the amazing love of Jesus to more and more lost and broken people.

You may be down. But don’t ever let the enemy make you think that he can ever take you out. We’re playing for the winning team. Act like it!