Almost two years ago, I got to fly half-way around the world to a Ugandan village and visit an amazing organization called Musana. Three weeks from tonight (yes, tonight!), I get to go back again and I am pumped.
Musana was started by four college friends who found an orphanage that was abusing and neglecting the kids entrusted in their care. Despite the overwhelming reasons they had to say no, they said yes. And God was with them, and today Musana is a thriving place that is taking care of the poor and vulnerable. Over 450 students attend Musana’s schools. They have an entreprenuership and microfinance program that equips local women to start their own businesses which has seen much success. And Musana has several sustainabiity businesses that provide job training and income to help Musana become totally self-sustainable. (You can find out more on the Musana website.)
Here’s what gets me every single time: Musana is a big answer to bold prayers from hundreds if not thousands of people throughout the decades. Many people prayed for Musana to come about, even if they didn’t know what, specifically, to pray for. Many people, from Churches in the west, to community members in Uganda to the kids while they were in that orphanage – all prayed for God to act and to move.
And many of those people who prayed so earnestly either never lived to see it happen or will never know, this side of eternity, that their prayers have been answered. But God heard them. And He moved. I just get to see the results of bold prayers other people prayed.
When my prayers seem to come back empty and when I’m discouraged, this keeps me going like nothing else. I firmly believe there are things I pray for today that God will answer in bigger ways and unexpected means that I will never see.
And the reason I wanted to blog is to invite you in to that. To pray for our trip. To pray that they don’t put the engines on upside down on our plane. That our flights are all on time. That the VBS (Vacation Bible School) program we’re running goes smoothly.
But then, kick it up a notch. Pray for things you’ll never know if they were answered or not. Pray that my friend Sadick who I met on the first trip, who lost both his parents to HIV, truly understands that Jesus loves him more than he can imagine.
Pray for all 450 of these little boys and girls. Pray for these future leaders of families, of the Iganga district, of Uganda, and of the Church. Pray for these future leaders. These future moms and dads. Husbands and wives.
Pray that God would do something big and bold in their lives and in their country. And I fully believe, with all my heart, your prayer will be honored, even if you’re never answered.
Finally, Musana is looking for new PALS members. This is an awesome way for $40/month to help take care of one of those 450 students, and to form a deeper connection with a place where God is doing amazing things. You can also check out ServiceReef which has more details about our trip, and a place to contribute if you’d like to help with the expenses of the trip. (which includes the big things like airfare and meals, but also VBS supplies to keep 450 kids entertained! Like t-shirts and craft supplies.)
Most of all, I’m so excited to see what God has been doing at Musana since the last time I was there. This time I’d like to be more intentional about sharing what I’ve seen God do (hence this blog), so if you’d like to hear updates about the trip, let me know so I can make sure to include you.